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The Premier Anti-Roosting Strips/Bird Spikes For Musselburgh Homes & Businesses

Bird Spikes are a 100% effective solution to the problems of pest bird infestation.

DIY Anti Bird Spikes are a maintenance-free and permanent solution and can be installed on common bird landing surfaces, such as ledges, window sills, rooftop edges, chimneys, or anywhere pest bird roosting and nesting occurs.

What Are Anti-Roosting Strips/Bird Spikes ?

Anti Bird Spikes are narrow stripes of spikes meant to be attached to your roof, window sills, eaves, or anywhere else you might have birds trying to infiltrate. They generally come with both glue tracks and screw holes, so they can be attached to just about any surface from wood to concrete.

Here at The Bird Spikes Store we have Plastic Bird Spikes made of either stainless steel or plastic. Both steel and plastic spikes have basically the same function (i.e., to make it either difficult or impossible for birds to land on spiked areas), the steel variety has a few added benefits, like being less visible, standing up better to time and to the weather, and coming with a longer guarantee.

The lengths of the Anti-Roosting Strips/Bird Spikes strips can be bought per linear metre, and can be attached end to end in order to bird proof an area of any length.

Chances are, if you are reading this article, then you are already experiencing a significant nuisance due to birds landing or building nests on your Musselburgh property. So among all of the different methods of keeping birds off of your property, are Anti Bird Nest Spikes ideal for your particular situation? There are two sides to this question, which we will take a look at below.

First, you need to think about the reason why you have birds either landing or building nests on your property. Is there a food source nearby, such as a bird feeder?

Birds tend to flock to where food is available, so if you have a bird feeder because you want to attract non-nuisance birds to your garden, make sure you have these set up in such a way that it’s not possible for larger birds that you don’t want, like pigeons or starlings, to feed from your feeders. If you can do this then the larger pests will move on to another location with a food source.

Second, you should figure out what kinds of birds are causing the problem. If it is smaller birds that are causing the problem, then bird spikes might not have great results.

The littler birds tend to be able to land in between the spikes because their feet were made to cling onto small branches and twigs. Some small birds may even be able to perch on the spikes themselves without any problems. Accordingly, bird spikes work best for larger birds like pigeons or seagulls whose feet are not nimble enough for spiky landings

How Do Stainless Steel Bird Spikes Work?

If you install your Anti Bird Nest Spikes correctly, they will very effectively keep birds away from your Musselburgh home or business (or wherever it is you are having your bird problem).

Larges species of birds like crows, pigeons, or gulls all have large feet that are not well suited to clutching onto thin perches. Because of these they require some space in order to land and maneuver themselves after they have landed.

Installing Anti-Roosting Strips/Bird Spikes will no give these kinds of birds the space they need in order to land, and they will more than likely not even try to land in these areas in the first place.

Please keep in mind, however, that some of the smaller bird species like sparrows or starlings may not be deterred permanently if you use Anti-Roosting Strips/Bird Spikes alone. Especially if they are eager to nest or mate, they may manage to work around your Anti Bird Perch Spikes .

The littler birds like these have finer feet that are able to clutch onto the edge of your building or even onto the Anti-Roosting Strips/Bird Spikes themselves if they need to. Some birds are even small enough that they can build their little nests in between your Stainless Steel Bird Spikes or even build all the way up above them. So although bird spikes alone will be sufficient for the majority of larger bird pests, if you are being plagued by little birds you may need to implement a second deterrent like electric tracks.

Are Stainless Steel Bird Spikes Safe?

When some people hear the word “ Anti-Roosting Strips/Bird Spikes ” they imagine something violent that is meant to kill any birds that try to land. But rest assured that bird spikes are totally humane and safe (not to mention environmentally friendly: both the plastic and stainless steel spikes will last for up to ten years if not longer before you need to replace them).

The Bird Spikes are not meant to harm the birds in any way, they are simply meant to make it either difficult or impossible to land in the spiked areas so that the birds will move on to another location.


No matter if you own a Musselburgh restaurant, a shipping facility, a warehouse, or a condo complex, a bird infestation can cause you a lot of problems.

On top of the mess they make with their droppings, they also carry diseases and can gross out and deter customers or even employees from frequenting your location.

Fortunately, Anti Bird Nest Spikes represent a very simple solution that is both humane (you won’t be killing any birds) and environmentally friendly (no need for any chemicals, power, or frequent replacements).

If you have pigeon problems (as most do), or problems with any other larger sized birds, then bird spikes alone will be enough to keep your pests away for good.

On the other hand if you are having problems with smaller birds the spikes may help to reduce your problem, but may not be enough and you may need to adopt a more multi-faceted approach to get rid of your littler pests.